
CombiFoss™ 7

CombiFoss™ 7 provides raw milk testing for 19 parameters in 6 seconds, including somatic cell count (SCC) and differential SCC. Seamless integration of MilkoScan™ 7 RM (FTIR) and Fossomatic™ 7 (flow cytometry) in one analysis unit.


Blue Yellow II

Charm Blue Yellow II detects 29 antimicrobial drugs in milk at or below EU MRLs. It has the lowest false-positive rate of evaluated inhibition tests that detect antimicrobials in milk.


Fossomatic™ 7 DC

Based on proven FOSS technology, the Fossomatic™ 7 DC counts total somatic cells as well as differential somatic cells in raw milk in seconds for improved mastitis management. Fossomatic™ 7 DC is available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7.


PocketSwab Plus

The PocketSwab Plus rapid ATP (adenosine triphosphate) swab is room-temperature stable, self-contained, single service test that enables total surface hygiene verification in only 5 seconds, allowing real-time corrective action.



Know the hygiene quality of raw milk before you start using it with fast Bacteria and Somatic Cell Count in one handy instrument.


EPIC System

The Charm EPIC system is a microplate bioluminescence system that predicts spoilage in shelf-stable, ultra high temperature (UHT), and extended shelf life (ESL) beverage products.


BactoScan™ FC+

Delivering results in just minutes, BactoScan™ allows farmers or milk testing laboratories to take fast action to preserve and enhance milk quality.


Cowside II

Charm Cowside II Test is a broad-spectrum inhibition test typically used for screening of raw commingled and ultra-pasteurized cow milk on the farm.


Charm II 6600/7600

The Charm II system provides comprehensive food safety testing for multiple food matrices. The Charm II 6600 is used to test for a wide range of residues in milk and honey.