FoodScan™ 2 Meat Analyser
The FoodScan™ 2 Meat Analyser is the new gold standard for fast, accurate and easy analysis of meat and processed meat products. It can be used in all stages of meat production - from checking incoming raw material to final product control.
FoodScan™ 2 Dairy Analyser
Now the best is even better. The new FoodScan™ 2 Dairy Analyser improves the quality and consistency of solid and semi-solid dairy products while optimising production processes.
Infratec™ Sofia
Infratec™ Sofia brings the value of precision grain testing to grain receival sites of all sizes. Mobile, easy to use and aligned with the renowned Infratec™ 1241 analyser.
Infratec™ NOVA
Global standard for grain analysis. Gives you security, confidence and reliability in your grain analysis.
Infratec™ 1241 Grain Analyser
The 3rd generation Infratec™ 1241 is the world’s most widely used grain analyser. Based on 60 years of experience, Infratec™ is recognised by the global grain industry as the trusted method for grain analysis.