Laboratory & Scientific Instruments Supplier2021-02-03T11:49:58+07:00

Lab Indonesia Exhibition 2024

July 25th, 2024|Picture Gallery|

PT Haes Brothers is participate in Lab Indonesia Exhibition at Hall A no B29. See our latest NIR & Near Infrared Transmittance (NIT) technologies from FOSS, also the sanitation program by detecting the ATP that has been used globally by Charm Science.

PT Haes Brothers mengundang Bapak dan Ibu untuk mengenal lebih jauh salah satu teknologi NIR yang bisa kami tawarkan, FoodScan 2, untuk produk daging serta olahannya, dan produk olahan susu (Keju).

VIP Invitation Lab Indonesia 2024

April 24 @ 9:00 am - April 26 @ 4:00 pm WIB

This year Haes Brothers is participating in LabIndonesia - Indonesia Laboratory, Scientific Analytical Equipments and Services Exhibition and Conference which is back for the 7th edition at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta, Indonesia.

Product Highlights

Fibertec™ 1023


The Fibertec™ 1023 is designed for rapid determination of dietary fibre according to established enzymatic methods, including those approved by AOAC, AACC, NMKL and Asp. Includes a filtration module and a shaking water bath for quantitative determination of dietary fibre.

Charm II 6600/7600


The Charm II system provides comprehensive food safety testing for multiple food matrices. The Charm II 6600 is used to test for a wide range of residues in milk and honey.

Hydrotec™ 8000


The Hydrotec™ 8000 is ideal for the busy laboratory requiring high throughput of samples. It is an innovative fully automated system that performs automated acid hydrolysis without sample transfer. It has a small footprint and unique batch-handling features.

Fossomatic™ 7 DC


Based on proven FOSS technology, the Fossomatic™ 7 DC counts total somatic cells as well as differential somatic cells in raw milk in seconds for improved mastitis management. Fossomatic™ 7 DC is available as a part of CombiFoss™ 7.