KT 200 Kjeltec

The KT 200 Kjeltec™ Distillation unit provides a simple and reliable solution for safe and semi-automatic distillation for protein determination. The possibility to pre-program alkali addition and distillation time supports the production of accurate results independent of operator.

KT 200 Kjeltec



Simple, safe and reliable analysis according to official standards for accurate results independent of operator.

Sample Type

Food, Feed, Feed ingredients, Forage, Pet food, Grain, Cereal, Oil seeds, Meat, Meat products, Milk, Dairy products, Beer and Beer ingredients


Nitrogen, Protein, Non Protein Nitrogen (NPN), Volatiles (SO2, TVBN and more)



The patented SAfE* technology improves safety by a mixing procedure, reducing the exothermic reaction between alkali and acid during distillation and removing the need for manual pre-dilution. *Steam Addition for Equilibration


An optional 20 or 60 place Autosampler provides the benefits of automation even at lower sample throughputs. Just load your sample racks directly from the digestion block and KjeltecTM will perform accurate analysis unattended for more than four hours.

Safety Features
Safety Features

A fast tube draining system removes the need for handling hot reagents after distillation. Interlocked safety door which must be closed with a tube in place before the unit will operate. Cooling water flow is controlled automatically and a temperature sensor stops the unit if the distillate is too hot. Sensors monitor tube in place, safety doors, reagent levels, water level and over-pressure in the steam generator providing safe use.

Unmatched Accuracy
Unmatched Accuracy

The superior performance of a Kjeltec titration system is based on colorimetric measurement of a precise chemical reaction for end-point detection. Accuracy is assured time after time with the additional benefits of long-term stability, wide working range, speed and simplicity without the need for repeated and costly calibration procedures.


The Kjeltec™ series consists of four models: Kjeltec™ 8100, 8200 and 8400 and KT 200 Kjeltec™ with different levels of automation.

200 8100 8200 8400
Variable output steam generator  x  x  x
Water saving system  x  x  x
Cooling water flow control  x  x  x
Distillate temperature monitor  x  x  x
Polypropylene splash head x  x  x  x
Polypropylene tube emptying vessel x  x  x
Bellows pumps for reagent addition x  x  x  x
Automatic alkali addition x  x  x  x
Automatic dilution water addition  x  x  x
Automatic receiver solution addition  x  x
SAfE – Steam Addition for Equilibration x  x  x  x
Tube emptying/Waste collection  x  x  x
Reagent alarms  x  x  x
Removable drip tray x  x  x  x
Automatic safety door  x  x
Interlocked safety door  x  x  x
Removable safety door  x  x  x
Tube-in-place safety  x  x  x
Tube replacement sensor  x  x  x
Colorimetric titration system  Opt.  x
External titrator connection  Opt.  Opt.
Interchangeable burette  x
Titration bypass  x
Results calculation  x
Storage of raw data in instrument  40 batch
Data management PC software  x
Storage of raw data with PC software  Unltd
Ethernet connection for:
PC  x
Balance  x
Printer  x
Autosampler system 8420 or 8460  Opt.


Performance Data  
Analysis time 3.5 minutes at 30 mg N (6.5 minutes at 200 mg N)
Distillation capacity ~ 40 ml/min
Measurement range  0.1 – 200 mg N
Reproducibility  1% RSD (including the digestion step)
Recovery  > 99.5% at nitrogen levels between 1 – 200 mg N
Installation Requirements  
Power supply 200 – 240 V 50 – 60 Hz
Tolerable voltage variation ± 10 %
Power consumption 2 200 W
Water consumption (during distillation only) 3 l/min at water temp of 25°C *1 l/min at water temp of 15°C
* Circulating Cooler recommended at >25°C
Weight 35 kg
Dimensions (W x D x H) 480 × 580 × 690 mm