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How to get more sugar from the same cane

In our follow up webinar, in “How to get more sugar from the same cane” series. Find out how to take NIR to the next level!

As discussed in our first webinar in the ‘more sugar from the same cane’ series, near infrared analysis can be relied on for accurate and rapid measurements of key process control parameters in sugar cane processing.

Nonetheless, the amount of process data available is limited by the need to manually take a sample and present it to the instrument.
The introduction of so-called inline solutions takes process control to the next level by providing direct and continuous measurements directly in the process.

By measuring directly in the process every few seconds, process variation of key parameters such as Pol, Brix and moisture can be constantly monitored against targets allowing adjustments to be made accordingly.

Join our 30 minute webinar and Q & A session with industry experts to discover how to do it with near infrared analysis directly in-line in the process.

The 20 minute presentation is followed by a live ten minute Q & A session.

Prepare your questions, we’ll be ready to answer.

Topics Covered

  • Introduces the concept of in-line NIR and explains the value with reference to industry applications such as the control of sucrose and moisture in bagasse for optimal sugar yield and potential from burning bagasse for electricity production.

  • You will learn how to match production targets precisely with in-line analysis of key process control parameters.

  • FOSS experts will explain why you can rely on the results and discuss the considerations when deciding whether it is worth going ‘in-line’.

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