A five year ring test study conducted with European grain networks demonstrates the outstanding accuracy and stability of FOSS Infratec 1241 Grain Analyzer ANN calibration for wheat and barley.

FOSS NIR global ANN calibration against reference methods

Annual collaborative studies for the European Grain Network (EGN) performed by FOSS for more than fifteen years originally intended to investigate the differences between master reference laboratories, making necessary adjustments and to inform members.

It was strengthened in 2006 by performing a standardized annual validation of the ANN calibration according to EN ISO 12099. This validation was done using samples from the actual harvest in different countries and applies the reference method valid in the different countries. Local Infratec 1241 analysis and their referenced method of determination of protein and moisture are sent to FOSS for evaluation.

The 5 year ring test eventually showed that FOSS ANN calibration can be used without loss of accuracy and performance. It is approved as a European Standard for the simultaneous prediction of protein and moisture content in whole grain of wheat and barely. Hence the Infratec 1241 grain analyzer combined with the ANN prediction model WB003034 is the optimal choice for prediction of protein and moisture content  in whole grain of wheat and barley.