May 30, 2022

Ensuring Sanitation with ATP

Ensuring food production is safe and untouched is the responsibility of the food businesses. Particularly when producing ready-to-eat (RTE) products with a short level, production plants must take extra caution for microbial contamination as it could lead to pathogens. Cross contamination with allergens such as peanuts, wheat, and other ingredients must also be avoided. If measures are not taken, large amounts of food recalls, financial loss, damage to company reputation, or even jail time are very much possible

Prevention practices are the most cost-effective option in contrast with corrective actions that often come with system disruption or failure. Sanitation controls are easy to verify and is a reliable measure to prevent microbial or allergen cross contamination. To complement basic visual and olfactory assessments, many food facilities use ATP tests as a way to further verify sanitation.

Why ATP?

ATP tests detect biological residuals that are not visible to the human eye. If not taken care of, these residues act as growth nutrients and attachment sites for microbial hazards or in the case of an allergenic protein, cross-contamination to other foods produced. Simply spraying a disinfectant would not suffice because without proper cleaning, a build up of bio film occurs which protects the microbes from sanitizer activity. Hence through ATP detection, food production plans could be more confident in ensuring the absences of these residues in their facilities.

Charm Sciences’ NovaLUM II ATP Detection System is the perfect solution in preventing allergen or microbial contamination, ensuring safe produces for all. It is a palm sized, low noise, a greater dynamic range, a faster response time, and accuracy over a wider temperature range

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2020-08-05T15:48:36+07:00August 5th, 2020|

The PocketSwab Plus rapid ATP (adenosine triphosphate) swab is room-temperature stable, self-contained, single service test that enables total surface hygiene verification in only 5 seconds, allowing real-time corrective action.

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